Bookshelf of 2022

The complete list of books I’ve read in 2022.

  1. Gifts of Imperfection – Brené Brown
  2. Klub ranostajov – Robin Sharma
  3. Jemmé umenie, ako mať veci v paži (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k) – Mark Manson
  4. Atómové návyky (Atomic Habits) – James Clear
  5. Kaviareň na konci sveta – John Strelecky
  6. Everything I know about love – Dolly Alderton
  7. Steve Jobs – Walter Isaacson
  8. Zdravie bez liekov – Ladislav Kužela
  9. Odpútaná duša (The Untethered Soul) – Michael A. Singer
  10. Alchymista – Paulo Coelho
  11. Všetko je v p**i – Mark Manson
  12. Ako nepodľahnúť diablovi (Outwitting the Devil) – Napoleon Hill
  13. Pripútaní – A. Levine, R. Heller
  14. Metóda Wima Hofa – Wim Hof
  15. Dych (Breath) – James Nestor
  16. Odvaha byť neobľúbený – Ichiro Kishimi, Koga Fumitake
  17. Ego je nepriateľ (Ego is the Enemy) – Ryan Holiday
  18. Dobré vibrácie, dobrý život (Good Vibes, Good Life) – Vex King
  19. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind – Shunryu Suzuki

My favourite ones this year (books I’d recommend):

  • If I had to choose only one, it would definitely be The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer.
    Deep thoughts, highlighted a lot of stuff.
  • Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k by Mark Manson. The title says it all. Actually, I tried to read this book many times in the past, but always ended up putting it down. Honestly, I think I wasn’t needing it back then. However, this year came with a lots of changes and reading this made some of my days lighter.
  • I really liked how thorough was Breath by James Nestor, and how it challenged some of my perceived thoughts.
  • I also really fancied Atomic Habits by James Clear.
  • Alchymist by Paulo Coelho was a reread this year. Never disappoints.

Didn’t really like these:

  • Getting through Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil went pretty slow, even though it was not a long book. TLDR; it is just really not my cup of tea. I mean, the idea of having conversations with the Devil is cool, but I would say that’s it… it does contain a few good thoughts to consider tho’.
  • I read Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday because I saw my brother reading it a while ago and thought it will be a good one. Well… it wasn’t. At least, not for me.